

We visited the Make-A-Wish foundation of Great Virginia on November 29, 2022, which is also known as Giving Tuesday in the US, to present a ceremonial check donation of $12,500, as part of the funds we raised during the MOVEment campaign. CEO Sheri Lambert and her team gave us a warm welcome.

Make-A-Wish is a foundation that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the U.S. and its territories, a wish is granted every 34 minutes. A wish can be that spark that helps these children believe that anything is possible and gives them the strength to fight harder against their illnesses.

We provided a brief introduction to ST Engineering generally and the MOVEment specifically. In turn, we were briefed on what Make-A-Wish is doing to support the desires of as many kids as possible. They have so far fulfilled 5,000 requests just in the Great Virginia chapter. On the waiting list are 265 wishes.

Additionally, they played us a video of a wish they just fulfilled for little Javi, who wanted to work as a fire fighter. You can see his story in this 5 minute video.

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program, we can participate in a variety of volunteer opportunities at Make-A-Wish as individuals or in groups.

Javi, Make-A-Wish

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